Support Practicum from Home, Laboratory of Informatics Engineering Study Program develops iLab
Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia requires universities to implement online learning models from March 16, 2020 until today. No exception Informatics Engineering Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) also follows the government's policy. From the overall online learning activities carried out, the hardest challenge lies in the implementation of practicum as a complement to the teaching and learning process.
The total practicum courses held at the Informatics Engineering Study Program of UMM this semester were 14 practicums with 2764 participants, consisting of compulsory subjects and specialization or expertise courses. This large number certainly causes its own problems when carried out online. Project assistance and project presentations that have been carried out face-to-face need to be transformed into online forms.
To overcome this problem, the Laboratory of Informatics Engineering Study Program developed an iLab application that facilitates online practicum activities. iLab connects students / labors, laboratory assistants and instructors who have been interacting directly in practical activities.
On the practical side there are various features such as assignments, examinations, attendance, schedules and grades reports. Instructors and assistants who are also involved in every practicum activity are provided with a variety of excellent features such as creating practical classes, uploading modules / diktat, assignments / projects, compiling rubric of practicum assessment, recapitulation of attendance and practice violations, as well as evaluating the results of practical activities.
It is expected that with the various features available on iLab, the procedure of practicum activities can still be carried out without having to be in a laboratory so as to maintain the physical distancing that is currently required to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Agus Eko Minarno, Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Laboratory explained that iLab is the work of students who are members of Infotech. "Infotech is a place for laboratory assistants, whose work program is to build a technology platform that supports the practicum process, the result of which is in the form of iLabs. iLab is one of the cornerstones of practicum activities in a pandemic situation like this, so that it will continue to be developed and refined, "Agus added.
Ilham and Galang student representatives and assistants interviewed online explained iLab was very helpful for students in attending the practicum. Ilham added that the general obstacle was how to collaborate with students or other practitioners, because some practical modules were completed in groups.
"For collaboration, we are usually accustomed to using the version control system (VCS) such as github or gitlab, so that all updates in the practicum project that we do as a group can automatically synchronize even though we are working at home or in their respective boarding houses," Ilham explained.
Galang added that the main process was carried out in the iLab, while in the other process students could utilize various tools. "Partly for the collaborative process, the students use github, while for demonstrations / presentations they can use video and others. We as assistants have explained the SOP for online practicum before it was implemented, ”Galang said. (* / can)