The departure of Retired UMM Faculty of Engineering Lecturer, Mr. Ir. Chairil Saleh, M.T & Mr. Ir. Ali Saifullah, M.T.

Saturday, December 31, 2022 21:22 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

On Thursday, December 28 2022, a Retired Lecturer Release event was held which took place in the UMM Faculty of Engineering meeting room. The event was attended by faculty and study program leaders, lecturer representatives, and of course lecturers who will be retiring. This year there are 2 retired lecturers namely Mr. Ir. Chairil Saleh, M.T from the Civil Engineering Study Program and Mr. Ir. Ali Saifullah, M.T. from Mechanical Engineering.

In his remarks, the Dean of FT UMM expressed his gratitude for the dedication and dedication that had been given by the two lecturers and did not forget to hope that even though they had retired, family relations would still be maintained.

The study program leaders also conveyed their impressions of the performance of Mr. Chairil and Mr. Ali Saifullah who were considered to have contributed greatly to both the study program and the faculty. The two lecturers became one of the pioneers in the establishment of the UMM Faculty of Engineering whose enthusiasm should always be emulated, especially by the younger generation of UMM FT. Not to forget, both of them hoped that FT in particular and UMM in general would always be victorious and increasingly recognized on the international stage. The event ended with giving mementos to the retired lecturers and taking a group photo with the faculty and study program leaders.
