Introduction to New Student Studies Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang 2022 (FT UMM)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 05:07 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (14/9), the Opening of the Introduction to the Study of New Student Faculty of Engineering, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang 2022 (FT UMM) was held on Monday, 12 September 2022 offline at the UMM Dome. Unlike the previous year, at this year's PESMABA all students can take part in a series of events offline. Pesmaba was held for 4 days, from 12 - 15 September. All participants who took part in the activity were students for the 2022/2023 school year with an attendance of around 1,400 participants. All new FT UMM students are required to take part in a series of PESMABA events from start to finish. This series of events is an annual agenda held by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Faculty of Engineering UMM and in collaboration with the FT Student Executive Board (BEMFA), and was attended by the ranks of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and their staff, namely the head of the study program, secretary of the study program and lecturers within FT UMM.

The speech was given by Prof. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M.LogSCM, Ph.D. as Dean of the UMM Faculty of Engineering, and at the same time welcomed all new students at UMM. "Hopefully those of you who are now legal as new students of FT UMM can strive towards success with enthusiasm. We hope that you will carry out lectures and be able to make a real contribution to society," said Ilyas. Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering also delivered material on general matters related to FT UMM. Ilyas also did not forget to tell about the beginning of the establishment of FT UMM to introduce all the ranks of the deputy deans as well as the heads of study programs and secretaries of study programs. Before ending his remarks, Ilyas left a message so that the 2022 FT UMM new students would become strong individuals and be ready to face each day with enthusiasm.

PESMABA FT UMM this time carries the theme "Progressive Engineers for the Nation" with the hope that all new students at the Faculty of Engineering can interpret the main goal of development in the field of Technology, none other than for the welfare of the Indonesian nation. The opening begins with the screening of PESMABA 2021 video footage to give new students an overview of the excitement of the previous PESMABA implementation. This is also to provide enthusiasm so that new students can take part and enliven a series of PESMABA events until the end.

Ahlan Wa Sahlan, a new student of the Faculty of Engineering UMM 2022, congratulations on becoming a big family of the UMM FT academic community.
