A Festive Welcome Colored the Visit of MA Husnul Khotimah Kuningan

Monday, July 25, 2022 22:22 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang, (19/07) Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang again received a school visit, this time from MA Husnul Khotimah Kuningan, West Java. The activity was held at the Technical Hall, GKB 3, 6th floor on July 19, 2022. At the event, the Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Engineering, Zamzami Septiropa, ST., MT., Ph.D., and the Secretary of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Hardianto Wibowo, S. Kom., MT. Meanwhile, Ahmadi was present as a representative of SMAN 1 Majalengka. Around 190 MA Husnul Khotimah students attended the event. Sometimes they sing encouraging chants. The event was lively with some Ice Breaking. Among them is the search for interests and talents filled by the PMB Faculty team.


Ahmadi explained that MA Husnul Khotimah has a lot of students because the quality of the school is already worldwide. "We came only for class XII, this is still only a part (students), in class XII our sons are 7 classes, while women are in 5 classes. You can imagine if only half of them entered UMM, of course, it would be very proud, especially UMM is a campus with the title of the best Islamic campus no. 1 world version of Unirank," he said. At the event, the PMB team held a Q&A for the student's field of interest, so that they could give them an idea of ​​the major they would go to. Hardianto Wibowo, Secretary of the Informatics Department as well as the PMB committee, also advised why these students need to consider UMM as their next study destination, especially at the Faculty of Engineering. Meanwhile, Zamzami appealed to students not to be afraid to choose a private campus, because the quality is not inferior to other public universities. "At UMM, you are prepared to become a person who excels. Our motto is 'UMM Definitely', you must graduate on time, you must be independent, and you will get a job after graduation. We have proven all three of them with many collaborations with DUDI," added Zamzami.
