Publikasi Terpilih

Irfan, M., Ariyanto, R. F., Syafaah, L., Faruq, A., & Subeki, N. (2020, April). Stator slotted design of axial flux permanent magnet generator for low-speed turbine. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 821, No. 1, p. 012027). IOP Publishing.

Mubin, A. "Green productivity application for improving productivity and environmental performance through the selection of the best solution scenario in the agroindustry." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 821. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2020.

Komarudin, A., Setyawan, N., Kamajaya, L., Achmadiah, M. N., & Zulfatman, Z. (2020). Signature PSO: A novel inertia weight adjustment using fuzzy signature for LQR tuning. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 10(1), 308-318.

Mardiyah, N. A., Setyawan, N., & Achmadiyah, M. N. (2020, January). Autonomous mobile soccer robot localization using particle filter through Omni-vision. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 732, No. 1, p. 012096). IOP Publishing.

Masudin, I., Jie, F., & Widayat, W. (2020). Impact of halal supplier service quality and staff readiness to adopt halal technology on halal logistics performance: a study of Indonesian halal meat supply chain. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 13(3), 315-338.

Masudin, Ilyas, and Nika Tampi Safitri. "Food Cold Chain in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Current Situation and Mitigation." Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri 9.2 (2020): 99-106.

Arifianto, S., Wibowo, H., Suharso, W., Novidianto, R., Minarno, A. E., & Harmanto, D. (2020). 3D reconstruction using convolution smooth method. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 10(2).

Syafaah, Lailis, et al. "Diabetes prediction based on discrete and continuous mean amplitude of glycemic excursions using machine learning." Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9.6 (2020): 2619-2629.

Lesmawanto, A., Chang, S. L., Ceng, S. Y., & He, S. H. (2019, October). The Design and Test of Elliptical-Circular Bicycle Sprockets. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 644, No. 1, p. 012005). IOP Publishing.

Sitoula, P., Rahayu, D., Haghighi, P. D., Goodwin, S., & Ling, C. (2019, December). Context-Aware Smart Energy Recommender (CASER). In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (pp. 13-19).

Yadi, S., Suhendro, B., Priyosulistyo, H., & Aminullah, A. (2019). Dynamic response of long-span bridges subjected to nonuniform excitation: a state-of-the-art review. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 258, p. 05017). EDP Sciences.

Rahmandhika, A., Widyatama, A., Dinaryanto, O., & Widyaparaga, A. (2019). Experimental study on the hydrodynamic behavior of gas-liquid air-water two-phase flow near the transition to slug flow in horizontal pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 130, 187-203.

Munarko, Y., Sarwar, D. M., Atalag, K., & Nickerson, D. P. (2019). NLIMED: Natural Language Interface for Model Entity Discovery in Biosimulation Model Repositories. bioRxiv, 756304.

Masudin, I., Saputro, T. E., Arasy, G., & Jie, F. (2019). Reverse Logistics Modeling Considering Environmental and Manufacturing Costs: A Case Study of Battery Recycling in Indonesia. IJTech: International Journal of Technology, 10(1), 189-199.

Sulianto, S., Bisri, M., Limantara, L. M., & Sisinggih, D. (2019). Performance of the Dispin Models with Automatic Parameter Calibration on the Transformation of Rainfall to Runoff Data. Civil and Environmental Science Journal, 2(2), 84-94.

Pasang, T., Kirchner, A., Jehring, U., Aziziderouei, M., Tao, Y., Jiang, C. P., ... & Aisyah, I. S. (2019). Microstructure and mechanical properties of welded additively manufactured stainless steels SS316L. Metals and Materials International, 25(5), 1278-1286.

Minarno, A. E., Maulani, A. S., Kurniawardhani, A., Bimantoro, F., & Suciati, N. (2018). Comparison of methods for batik classification using multi texton histogram. Telkomnika, 16(3), 1358-1366.

Septiropa, Z., Osman, M. H., Rahman, A. B. A., Ariffin, M. A. M., Huda, M., & Maseleno, A. (2018). Profile of cold-formed steel for compression member design a basic combination performance. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.27), 284-290.

Has, Z., Rosyidi, A. Z., Pakaya, I., Mardiyah, N. A., Nurhadi, N., & Effendy, M. (2018, December). Integrated Frequency Control of Microhydro Power Plant Based Flow Valve Control and Electronic Load Controller. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC) (pp. 244-249). IEEE.

Setyawan, N., Mardiyah, N., Hidayat, K., Nurhadi, N., & Has, Z. (2018). Object Detection of Omnidirectional Vision Using PSO-Neural Network for Soccer Robot. Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics, 5(1), 117-121.

Irfan, M., Effendy, M., Mardiyah, N. A., Syafa’ah, L., Pakaya, I., & Faruq, A. (2017). Performance comparison of fuzzy logic and proportional-integral for an electronic load controller. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 8(3), 1176-1183.

Setyawan, N., Kadir, R. E. A., & Jazidie, A. (2017, August). Adaptive Gaussian parameter particle swarm optimization and its implementation in mobile robot path planning. In 2017 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA) (pp. 238-243). IEEE.

Eko Saputro, T., & Daneshvar Rouyendegh, B. (2016). A hybrid approach for selecting material handling equipment in a warehouse. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 11(1), 34-48.