BEM Faculty of Engineering Organizes Student Expo and Student Day Activities

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 22:25 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

To improve the competence of new students, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Engineering (BEM FT) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Student Expo, which was held at the Hallipad field from 12.45 to 18. 00 with the theme "THROUGH ART AND CREATION PROVE THE SUPERIOR FACULTY OF ENGINEERING" Virgiawan Sagarmata Patabuga, as Student Governor of the Faculty of Engineering said "The great desire for new engineering students in the future will be students who are competent in various fields they are involved in, and deep hopes to become innovative and creative people to face the challenges of the times," said Patabuga.

The event, which took place and was attended by 1,000 students, was interesting and fun, "this series of activities is indeed mandatory for new engineering students of class 2022, in this activity which is packed with homeband performances as well as actresses and creators from the engineering faculty itself as a motivation for freshmen friends to be creative, that way brilliant potentials will emerge and can later be developed, later it can also be a provision to compete, not only at the campus level but also at the national to international level," he added. Chief Executive Rizky Kaoe added, there are also two activities that take place at this time "The first is the opening of the Student Expo which is aimed at new engineering students in improving creations and arts and introducing engineering culture from solidarity to supporters to get to Engineering One. Student Day is for freshmen friends in the next semester in terms of academic and non-academic achievements with performances from the five Engineering Semi-Autonomous Organizations (LSOs) namely LSO Robotics, LSO Automotive, LSO Surya Team, LSO Mechatronics, LSO Kaliber, carried out to promote LSOs and seek new student interest in LSO ".

The essence of this activity is "to increase the potential for student creativity inside and outside the classroom so that in the future they can compete and adapt in the outside world, by joining campus organizations, students can develop skills and constantly process to achieve their existence and explore various fields of activity carried out", he added.
