Disseminating Research Results, 5 Faculty of Engineering Doctors Perform at Colloquium Event

Friday, March 17, 2023 22:21 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang, (15/03) A total of 5 Doctors from the Faculty of Engineering, Muhammmadiyah University of Malang published their research results in front of the Faculty of Engineering students. The event, entitled the FT Doctoral Colloquium, successfully attracted the interest of the academic community within the FT, especially for students who were interested in continuing their Final Project with the latest theme. The FT Doctoral Colloquium was held in the FT Hall GKB III, 6th floor on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. The event is an annual routine activity that aims to allow doctors who have just finished their doctoral studies to share their dissertation results with the public. This cannot be separated from the series of doctoral levels which are sometimes not carried out openly, so a medium is needed for the publication of dissertation results.

The 2023 Doctoral Colloquium event was opened with a "Welcome Speech" by the Vice Dean II, Gita Indah Marthasari, ST., M.Kom. as the Dean's representative. The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Ignasius D.A. Sutapa, M.Sc. as a comparison or Keynote Speaker. He is the Executive Director at APCE-UNESCO C2C. Prof. Ignasius conveyed the importance of the role of the Faculty of Engineering in general, and within the scope of UMM in particular, in digital transformation in the current era of industrial revolution. He said that Indonesia needs to make a leap of innovation, not to the 4.0 industrial revolution, but to 5.0 so that it is not far behind other developed countries.

The implementation of the Colloquium carries the concept of a panel discussion which is divided into 2 sessions. The first session was filled by 2 Civil Engineering lecturers, namely Dr. Ir. Moh. Abduh, ST., MT., ACPE., ASEAN.Eng. and Zamzami Septiropa, ST., MT., Ph.D. The two doctors discussed different topics. If Dr. Abduh reviewed "The Effect of Primary Pipe Turns on Flow Behavior and Resistance, then Zamzami, Ph.D. discussed "Performance of Combined Profile Cold-Formed Steel Columns for Low-Rise Building Structures". The session 1 panel discussion was moderated by Azhar Adi Darmawan, ST, MT.

In session 2, which was hosted by H. Machmud Effendy, ST., M.Eng, there were 3 speakers from different study programs (Electrical and Informatics). The three of them were Dr. Budhi Priyanto, M.Si, Dr.Eng. Setio Basuki, ST., MT. and Amrul Faruq ST., M.Eng., Ph.D. In the first presentation, Dr. Budhi delivered a presentation entitled "Development of Amorphous Carbon Homojunction Solar Cells from Biomass as Renewable Solar Cells", followed by Dr.Eng Setio with the topic "The Important Role of Citation Function in Technology-Assisted Peer Review". The presentation with the title "Analytical Forecasting Model Based on Machine Learning for Disaster Risk Reduction" was well delivered by Amrul Faruq Ph.D..

The colloquium event was then closed with a prayer together. In general, the event was lively. At least 300 students attended and listened offline to the presentation of the 6 speakers, not a few also listened to the live youtube pad of the Faculty of Engineering. Many even asked questions because they were interested in the next research progress. Some also asked because they wanted to continue the parameter variation to be raised as a final project topic.
