Boosting On-Time Graduation, Faculty of Engineering Organizes Workshop on Strategies for Achieving KTW and Equivalency

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 04:25 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (24/5), Timely graduation of students is one of the important elements in LAM Engineering accreditation points. Therefore, the improvement of student graduation time is deemed necessary to be encouraged, both by each student and structurally by the Study Program organizers. The Faculty of Engineering UMM then took the initiative to make strategies and breakthroughs so that the student KTW target was easier to achieve. The workshop, which was held at the Bunga Resort Club on May 24, 2023, carried 2 important topics, namely the achievement of timely graduation (KTW) and equivalency guidelines. The workshop was attended by the FT Dean and 4 representatives of each study program, where 2 people discussed strategies for achieving KTW, and 2 others compiled equivalency guidelines.

In the KTW discussion, several discussion focuses were formulated which are the key to the implementation of KTW. The focus is divided into 5 things, namely student input, the learning process, guidelines for the implementation of the Final Project, optimization of KBK, and student services. Meanwhile, the equivalency guidelines were prepared to convert all forms of student activities outside of regular lectures. Based on UMM's motto, where no achievement is not rewarded, it needs to be formulated in more detail. In addition, this program also aims to realize the Ministry of Education and Culture program which gives students the right to claim off-campus activities equivalent to several credits.
