The 2023 PERMIKOMNAS Regional Deliberation was Successful at UMM

Saturday, December 23, 2023 22:18 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (23/12), the Informatics Study Program (Prodi) Student Association of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) successfully hosted the 5th Regional Conference of the National Informatics and Computer Student Association (PERMIKOMNAS) in 2023. The activity lasted for two days, on 21-22 December 2023, in GKB Hall 4 UMM.

This activity follows in the footsteps of the success of the Informatics Study Program which previously held the 2023 APTIKOM National Coordination Meeting. With high enthusiasm, more than 90 participants from 23 campuses in East Java took part in the deliberation which discussed various strategic issues in the field of information and computer technology.

Full support from the leadership of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UMM seemed very strong, with the presence of Vice Chancellor III UMM, Dr. Nur Subeki, ST., MT, and Dean of FT, Prof. Ir. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M.LogSCM., Ph.D. Apart from that, Mr/Mrs. Deputy Dean of FT also provided maximum support and assistance for the smooth running of the event.

Deliberation participants are not only guaranteed a valuable discussion experience but also receive subsidized accommodation in the flat. This shows the committee's commitment to providing the best facilities to support the success of this activity.

In his speech, the Dean of FT UMM, Prof. Ir. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M.LogSCM., Ph.D, stated, "We are very proud to host this activity and hope that the 2023 PERMIKOMNAS Regional Conference can be a vehicle for sharing knowledge and strengthening ties of brotherhood among Informatics and Computer students throughout Indonesia."

This activity succeeded in strengthening the position of the UMM Informatics Study Program Student Association at the national level, making UMM a center for strategic discussions in the field of information and computer technology. With the same spirit, it is hoped that the participants can apply and develop the insights gained during the deliberations in their respective roles in the world of technology.
