Sah! Wakil Rektor UMM dari Fakultas Teknik, Dr. Nur Subeki,ST., MT. Menjadi Ketua FORPIMAWA

Friday, December 15, 2023 02:32 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Palu (15/12), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) once again made a brilliant achievement with the appointment of Vice Chancellor III from the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Nur Subeki, ST., MT., as Chair of the Higher Education Leadership Forum for Student Affairs (FORPIMAWA). This announcement was officially made in Palu, on December 15, 2023.

Tadulako University (UNTAD) witnessed the implementation of the 2023 National Rembuk (Rembuknas) Higher Education Leadership Forum for Student Affairs (FORPIMAWA). The event took place from 14 to 17 December at the Swiss-Bell Hotel Ballroom. This time's National Conference raised the theme "FORPIMAWA National Conference 2023 to Create a Resilient Generation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045" and "Launching the 2024 National Higher Education Talent Event Agenda".

Dr. Ir. Sagaf, MP, UNTAD Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs, who was in charge of the activity, stated that this meeting aimed to exchange information for the development of developing student affairs that are more accomplished based on talent, as well as to establish friendship between university leaders in the field of student affairs.

General Chairperson of FORPIMAWA, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU, in his speech, revealed that FORPIMAWA started from FORKOMAWA and underwent a metamorphosis into FORPIMAWA in 2022. Every year, FORPIMAWA holds three meeting agendas, namely National Meeting, National Working Meeting, and National Conference, which will be the venue for the election of FORPIMAWA's general chairman for the next period.

UNTAD Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Amar, ST., MT., IPU., ASEAN Eng, welcomed the central management and 12 FORPIMAWA regions, as well as representatives of state and private universities who were also present. In his speech, Prof. Amar stated that the FORPIMAWA National Conference was an important moment to build partnerships to achieve a common vision. He hopes that in the future, the student affairs sector can develop talent development from local to international levels.

The FORPIMAWA National Conference was attended by central and 12 regional administrators, as well as representatives of state and private universities. The Mayor of Palu, Hadianto Rasyid, also attended the event, adding to the atmosphere of togetherness and collaboration between universities and local government.
