Going Together with Robot Contest, Darul Muqomah Jember Vocational School Students Learn with UMM Robotics WS

Monday, March 11, 2019 09:56 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

On a sunny morning Monday (25/2) Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang UMM, a guest from Darul Muqomah Vocational School, Jember. The group consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Teachers and students of SMK Darul Muqomah Jember welcomed by the Head of Electrical Engineering and UMM Robotics WS Advisor. The agenda began with remarks by the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ir. Nur Alif Mardiyah, MT., Followed by the head of the Darul Muqomah Vocational School Ibu Iin Nur Aisyah. This visit took place in the GKB 4 Hall Muhammadiyah University of Malang.
"It so happened that next month we will take part in the robot competition, and our students who take part in the robot contest will also attend the visit agenda," said Principal of the Darul Muqomah Vocational School in Jember explaining the purpose of his visit to the UMM Engineering Faculty, especially WS Robotics.
After the remarks were finished, followed by a brief material with a speaker from WS Robotics supervisor Mr. Khusnul Hidayat. Furthermore, students are directed towards the robot assembly presenters from students of WS Robotics, this robot assembly uses a microcontroller device in which there is wifi so that it can later be moved using a smartphone, explained the presenters.
The joint learning agenda closed with the presentation of a set of robots assembled by the students, and continued with a group photo session. Not to forget the students were invited to the WS Robotics basecamp and introduced the legged Robot who had won the competition and had a little demo to put out the fire. You need to know that in April the UMM Robotics team will leave for America to compete.