GAN Batik, Work by a UMM Informatics Lecturer Who Won the 2023 AI Innovation Summit

Thursday, August 10, 2023 19:04 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

The team of Lecturers and Students of the Informatics Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) succeeded in recording brilliant achievements at the AI Innovation Summit 2023 at the Jakarta International Expo on August 10, 2023. They won second place in the GEN-AI Tools Development category with a revolutionary innovation called "GAN Batik." Batik GAN is the result of a collaboration between artificial intelligence (AI) and Indonesian cultural heritage. The team succeeded in creating technology that is capable of generating batik patterns automatically through Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), a deep learning approach that allows machine algorithms to work together to create authentic designs without being limited by creativity.

The Batik GAN process begins by providing thousands of examples of traditional batik patterns into the algorithm. During the training stage, the two main components of the GAN, namely the generator and discriminator, interact dynamically. The generator is tasked with creating new batik patterns, while the discriminator learns to differentiate between original batik patterns and those produced by the algorithm. This step is repeated many times to produce an amazing batik pattern.

This achievement was obtained in the AI Innovation Summit 2023 competition which was attended by 59 participants from various parts of Indonesia. Among them, only 10 participants made it to the final round in the GEN-AI Tools Development category, and of them, only 4 made it to the final stage.

The success of Batik GAN UMM as the second winner in this competition shows the achievements and innovations of the UMM Informatics study program in utilizing modern technology to preserve and promote Indonesian culture. The team of lecturers and students doesn't stop there, they plan to continue development by releasing Batik GAN version 2. In the next iteration, the team will focus on developing patterns of nitik, kawung, ceplok, machetes, and cement motifs, with the aim of digging deeper into the beauty and complexity of Indonesian batik art.

The UMM GAN Batik Team is also very enthusiastic about collaborating and conducting further research. They invite participation from various parties, both domestic and foreign, to jointly develop and enrich Batik GAN so that it can have a big impact on the world of artificial intelligence and at the same time preserve Indonesian culture.
