Get acquainted with the Faculty of Engineering Culture, New Students Go Back to Department

Thursday, September 14, 2023 13:41 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (14/9), On the third day of PESMABA (New Student Admission) Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in 2023, new students experienced an unforgettable experience in the "Back to Department" (BTD) event. This activity was held on Thursday, September 14, 2023, to introduce new students to the academic environment, teaching staff, facilities, and study conditions in their respective departments.

After the first two days of PESMABA which were full of a series of activities to introduce the campus and fellow students, the new students of the Faculty of Engineering were divided into groups based on their respective study programs or departments. Each group was taken by the Study Program Student Association (HMP) from the Dome, where the PESMABA event took place, to the BTD location that had been prepared.

Below is a breakdown of BTD locations for each department:

  1. Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering students gathered in the Mechanical Lab Building and were led by the Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Mrs. Iis Siti Aisyah, ST., MT., Ph.D.

  2. Civil Engineering: The Civil Engineering Department held a BTD in the Engineering Faculty Meeting Room and was led by the Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program, Mr. Dr. Ir. Sulianto, MT.

  3. Electrical Engineering: Electrical Engineering students gathered in room 401-403 of the Joint Lecture Group Building (GKB) II and were led by the Head of the Electrical Engineering Study Program, Mr. Khusnul Hidayat, ST., MT.

  4. Industrial Engineering: The Department of Industrial Engineering held a BTD in the Engineering Faculty Canteen, Joint Lecture Group Building (GKB) III and was led by the Head of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Mrs. Ir. Santhy Kusuma Dewi, ST., MT.

  5. Informatics: Informatics Study Program students have a different BTD location, namely at UMM Dome, and are led by the Head of Informatics Study Program, Mr. Galih Wasis Wicaksono, Ir., S.kom. M.Cs.

This Back to Department event not only provides new students with the opportunity to get to know lecturers and education staff in their department, but also to understand the existing facilities and important provisions in lectures. Apart from that, students also get an early introduction to the CoE (Center of Excellence) in the Faculty of Engineering.

During the BTD event, the Student Association from each study program provides relevant material to new students, which will help them adapt to the academic environment and carry out their studies at the UMM Faculty of Engineering.

It is hoped that this Back to Department event can help new students feel more comfortable and ready to face their academic journey while at university. It is hoped that the spirit of learning and adapting will lead them to success in pursuing their dreams in the world of engineering.
