Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Jember Conducts Benchmarking at Faculty of Engineering, UMM

Friday, February 23, 2024 21:45 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (23/2), Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FT UMM) received a benchmarking visit from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Jember (FT UM Jember) on Friday, February 23, 2024. This visit took place in the Meeting Room of the Faculty of Engineering and was attended by the ranks of the deans and staff from both faculties.

The event began with remarks from the Dean of FT UMM, Mr. Prof. Ir. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M.LogSCM., Ph.D. He expressed his gratitude for the visit of FT UM Jember and hoped that this activity could strengthen the relationship between the two institutions.

Then, the Dean of FT UM Jember, Mr. Dr. Nanang Saiful Rizal, MT, gave his remarks and said that this visit aimed to study various programs and activities carried out at FT UMM.

The event continued with a presentation session led by the ranks of the FT UMM deans. Vice Dean (WD) 1 explained the implementation of the Center of Excellence (CoE) class and the Merdeka curriculum in the Faculty environment. Vice Dean (WD) 2 explained the facilities and infrastructure available for lecturers and students, such as laboratories, classrooms, and libraries. Vice Dean (WD) 3 explained about various student activities that are active in FT UMM.

After the presentation session, several staff from UM Jember asked questions related to the New Student Admissions (PMB) strategy and the latest updates on the Faculty website. The discussion took place enthusiastically and informatively, showing the high interest of FT UM Jember in learning various aspects of FT UMM.

The benchmarking activity ended with a group photo and exchange of souvenirs. This visit is expected to be the first step to establish closer cooperation between FT UMM and FT UM Jember in the future.
