UMM Faculty of Engineering Holds Coordination Meeting for Preparation of Even Semester Lectures 2023/2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024 02:34 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (15/2), Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a coordination meeting to prepare even semester lectures for the 2023/2024 academic year on Monday, February 19, 2024. All lecturers in the Faculty of Engineering attended this event, including the Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, and Informatics Study Programs.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M.LogSCM., Ph.D., opened the event by delivering several directions related to the preparation of even semester lectures. He emphasized the importance of collaboration and synergy between lecturers to ensure the smoothness and quality of learning.

Furthermore, the event continued with presentations from Vice Deans I, II, and III. Vice Dean I, Zulfatman, M.Eng. Ph.D., explained the curriculum and learning programs. Vice Dean II, Gita Indah Marthasari, S.Kom., M.Kom, delivered information related to finance, facilities, and infrastructure. Meanwhile, Deputy Dean III, Zamzami Septiropa, ST., MT., Ph.D., explained about student and alumni affairs.

In the Q&A session, the lecturers enthusiastically asked questions and provided input related to various things, such as the development of infrastructure, and the progress of the CoE (Center of Excellence) class. The dean and vice deans also responded promptly and provided comprehensive explanations.

This coordination meeting is expected to improve the readiness of lecturers in welcoming the even semester of 2023/2024. Thus, it is also hoped that the quality of learning at the UMM Faculty of Engineering can continue to improve and provide benefits for students.
