Thursday, September 07, 2023 04:17 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (7/9), In an effort to increase innovation and desire of lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), especially the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Study Program, in creating Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), both copyright and patent rights, Socialization and training activities were held which took place on Thursday, September 7 2023. This activity was a real effort from the UMM Faculty of Engineering to provide lecturers with a deeper understanding of the potential of commercial industrial design. This activity was held in a hybrid manner, with participants present in the Engineering Faculty Meeting Room (offline) and via the Zoom platform (online), thus allowing participation from all lecturers. The aim of this activity is to encourage UMM Faculty of Engineering lecturers to be more active in creating innovation and supporting the development of IPR. With a better understanding of copyright and patent rights, it is hoped that lecturers can more easily turn their ideas into commercial products or designs.

This event was opened with remarks from the Deputy Chancellor I of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Mr. Prof. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si, who conveyed the importance of developing IPR in supporting the growth of science and industry in Indonesia. Furthermore, the Chair of the Indonesian Chemical Science Association (ASKI) PTM also gave a speech and explained ASKI's role in supporting the development of IPR.

Participants also gained valuable insight from expert presenters in their respective fields. Mr. Prof. Dr. Agis Windarto DEA, Ph.D., Sofyan Arif, SH. M.Hum., and Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Noor Harini, MS, provided an in-depth explanation of copyright, and patent rights, as well as practical steps to secure and utilize IPR. It is hoped that this socialization and training activity can provide positive encouragement for lecturers at the UMM Faculty of Engineering to be more active in developing innovation and creating commercial industrial designs. With full support from universities and a deeper understanding of IPR, it is hoped that various superior products and designs will emerge that can contribute to industrial progress in Indonesia.
