Touching and Inspirational Moments Coloring the Oath of Engineer Profession and Judiciary of the UMM Faculty of Engineering Period IV and V

Tuesday, August 08, 2023 02:28 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (8/8), a historic moment was present at the commemoration of the Engineer's Professional Oath and Judiciary of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Periods IV and V, which was held in the GKB IV Hall, 9th floor, UMM campus. The event, which was held with great enthusiasm and emotion, was a success with nearly 500 students participating.

The initial session of the event was filled with inspiration from a graduate of the Informatics Study Program, Mr. Ali Usman, S.Kom, who is now having a brilliant career at PT. BRIXZEN ADVANCED SOLUTIONS. In his motivational session, Mr. Ali Usman shared experiences and challenges in the professional world, inspiring aspiring engineers to undertake their career journey with high determination and enthusiasm. No less important, the next session was a scientific oration presented by UMM Mechanical Engineering Lecturer, Dr. Yepy Komaril Sofi'i, ST., MT. With great enthusiasm, Dr. Yepy presented a topic that is very relevant to today's technological and environmental developments, namely "Hydrogen Energy as Fuel." This scientific oration material provides in-depth insight into the potential for sustainable renewable energy.

The event was also enlivened by a warm welcome from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mr. Prof. Ir. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M.LogSCM, Ph.D., who appreciated the students' achievements in completing their studies. He also emphasized the important role of engineers in advancing technology and society. Speech from the Chair of PII East Java, Mr. Dr. Ir. Gentur Prihantono SP, SH, MT, IPU, also gave a broad view of the engineering profession in this digital era.

However, the most touching moment in this event was the special session held to commemorate the best graduate, the late Mr. Roy Inzaghi Saputra, S.Kom. The deceased, who had shown great dedication and achievement during his studies, is remembered in words and memories filled with emotion. All participants felt a profound loss, but also celebrated the inspiring legacy he left behind.

The Engineering Professional Oath and Judiciary of the Faculty of Engineering UMM Periods IV and V are meaningful events for prospective engineers. This event is not only the culmination of an educational journey, but also an initial milestone in facing the challenges of the professional world. All participants were blessed with inspiration, knowledge and new enthusiasm to achieve success in the future.
