Strengthening IIIMAN, Faculty of Engineering UMM Held Internalization Study of AIK Values

Saturday, April 23, 2022 18:00 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang, (23/04) Ramadan study entitled "Internalization of AIK (IIIMAN) Values ​​in Increasing Work Ethic" was held in the meeting room of the Faculty of Engineering UMM. The event was aimed at all Lecturers and Employees to strengthen motivation and enthusiasm for working on the UMM campus. in his speech, Prof. Ilyas Masudin, ST., M. LogSCM, Ph.D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering appreciates the presence of the employees as a form of concern for the institution in the present and the future.

In this study, the Dean and Deans of the Faculty of Engineering from the previous period were also present, including Ir. Ali Saifullah, MT., Dr. Ir. Sunarto, MT., Ir. Sudarman, MT., and Dr. Ahmad Mubin, MT. He took turns giving speeches related to the struggles of the lecturers in their respective eras.
Ali Saifullah is the first permanent lecturer at FT. He was later appointed as the Dean to lead the FT in 1998. He advised all employees to become people of faith and sincerity, like what was done by the previous pioneers, where they always worked sincerely, sacrificing energy, finances, and everything to be able to build the UMM campus. Thus, the inherited values ​​will continue to be upheld so that UMM will always be as great as it is now. "Every time after lectures at 9 pm, there is always a story from Mr. Malik about his personal life, the lecturer's life is always on campus from morning to 10 pm. Mr. Malik said: UMM is big because of you, work should not be a part-time job. Work hard, don't think about salary. , Allah will suffice", he explained.
The next speech by Mr. Sunarto started with an invitation to pray for all colleagues at FT who had died due to Covid-19. Sunarto also advised that recitations in FT should be routine at least every month to increase the intimacy of the academic community of the Faculty of Engineering. Sunarto talked a lot about infrastructure development, one of which was the history of the UMM Dome. "One of the stories about the construction of the UMM Dome, occurred because the graduation cost a lot (to rent a tent) and was carried out many times on the helipad. Alhamdulillah, the Dome was the first largest hall building in Malang, then other campuses in Malang followed it. easy, the resources are not inanimate objects. It takes a lot of synchronization and deliberation many times for the future progress of FT", he recalled.Sudarman in his third speech then added the important role of the Dean in encouraging the advancement of HR in FT. "Yesterday, the minimum qualification for lecturers had to be a master's degree, soon they would have to be 100% doctoral, next year they could be 100% professors. Possibly now there is no professional allowance. For those who are still young but not yet doctoral, hurry up! Because the culture is still the same: who will want, go!", he said in a tempestuous tone. "Hold this sentence: every time there is a human and every human has a time. So it's smart for us to adapt", he added. Ahmad Mubin then added, "Reflecting on the values ​​of the FT leadership, we are now entering an established era, but don't be fooled, there are 3 possibilities, namely declining, flat, and increasing. It all depends on us as human resources in the FT environment. We are all leaders, reflecting the future. Then don't go back in time."

In this study, Dr. Nurbani Yusuf, M.Si is the chairman of MUI Batu. The recitation was then closed with Iftar and hospitality for the lecturers and employees of the Faculty of Engineering.
