UMM Civil Engineering Lecturer's Considerations Behind the Presence of Cheap Houses

Thursday, August 24, 2023 03:45 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Home is not only a place of refuge, but also a symbol of identity, privacy, and security. Therefore, the house is one of the primary needs for everyone. The large number of housing sold at affordable prices can indeed solve some problems such as poverty and social inequality. However, it is also important to recognize that social challenges such as access to adequate housing and environmental issues must be addressed so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of a comfortable and sustainable home.

"If we talk about the actual orientation of feasibility. Eligibility has many aspects to consider. So first there is environmental feasibility. Second, the suitability of the place and situation. "We really have to think about, in that environment, there are social aspects, there are technical aspects, and also specifications," responded the UMM Civil Engineering lecturer, Mr. Dr. Ir. Moh. Abduh, ST, MT, IPM, ACPE, ASEAN Eng.

Every housing that is sold must be tested for environmental feasibility. Abduh believes that choosing a house is choosing a place to live in for the rest of your life without considering whether to sell it. Therefore, buyers must review it in its entirety starting from aspects of the social environment that will affect neighborhood life, education, etc. At the same time, the technical aspect is related to architecture, the position of the house, the view, or the green environment. "You need to think about this, so don't be tempted by a house with a cheap price but for various reasons, such as an inappropriate position, poor building materials, it makes you feel uncomfortable in your own home and you always feel anxious," he added.

When building or buying a house you must specify the financing that will be spent. The price plays with the material. Material, then with atmosphere. Atmosphere and position. Position of location. Everyone works together to determine the price. Then, on the other hand, the panoramic atmosphere displayed from that location also has an influence. If the panorama displayed is visually good then,  it becomes an attraction in itself. Abduh also explained that buying a house greatly influences the psychological aspects of security and comfort.

"Ideal prices are usually high, but there are those that are economical, so it needs to be emphasized that economical does not mean cheap. cheap if the price is very much below the competition. But of course, you have to remember that the standards that I mentioned earlier from the aspects of the social environment, technical environment, and specifications are taken into consideration. On the other hand yes, the psychological relationship. Because if it's too cheap it's usually worrying. Because we can calculate that if the price is this much, that's all. The materials used are like this. So we need to think rationally about unlimited comfort and security aspects," explained the Civil Engineering Lecturer.
