Obtaining a Doctorate Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mr. Machmud Effendy Creates an Innovative DC Microgrid System

Monday, August 07, 2023 04:41 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Surabaya (7/8), Mr. Dr. Ir. Machmud Effendy, ST., M.Eng, has completed his doctoral program at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya (ITS). Mr. Dr. Machmud Effendy has succeeded in overcoming challenges in his research entitled "Power Sharing Based on Hierarchy of Control in Low Voltage Microgrid DC Systems by Considering Battery Soc Conditions".

The open session for the dissertation was held on June 23, 2023, with Mr. Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D. as the promoter who guided his academic journey. This dissertation explores the application of control hierarchies in low-voltage DC microgrid systems, with special consideration of the SOC (State of Charge) condition of the battery. These findings have the potential to make a significant contribution to the development and improvement of the efficiency of electric energy distribution systems based on DC microgrids.

On his way, Mr. Dr. Machmud Effendy encountered several difficulties, which were recognized as part of the learning process. He revealed that patience and perseverance are important keys to facing obstacles. Searching for novelty in scientific literature, especially Scopus Q1 journals that are relevant to the dissertation topic, requires high dedication and determination. The process of receiving suggestions and input from supervisors and maintaining consistency in time and activities is also an integral part of the academic journey.

In his messages and impressions, Mr. Dr. Machmud Effendy emphasized that the more we learn, the more we don't know. He invited the academic community to continue to be humble and not just stop at learning from journals, but also implement this knowledge gradually. For him, research is a valuable step that must be taken to have a positive impact on society and the surrounding environment.

Encouraging fellow academics in the Study Program/Faculty, Mr. Dr. Machmud Effendy advises that every obstacle be faced patiently and accompanied by prayer. He emphasized the importance of sustainability in working for the common good and making research results a means to provide benefits to fellow humans and the environment. His achievements are an example for the younger generation who want to pursue knowledge and contribute to the development of science in Indonesia.

Congratulations to Mr. Dr. Machmud Effendy for this extraordinary achievement. Hopefully, his dedication to the world of academics and research will continue to have a big positive impact.
