PSPPI UMM VI Engineering Seminar Discusses Infrastructure Risks and Water Management Innovation

Saturday, February 17, 2024 02:45 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Malang (17/2), The Engineering Profession Program (PSPPI) of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) successfully held the 6th Engineering Seminar on Saturday, February 17, 2024. This seminar presented two renowned keynote speakers, namely Ir. Irwan Susilo, ST., MT., IPM and Dr. Ir. Moh. Abduh, ST., MT., IPU., ACPE., ASEAN Eng., and was attended by 48 presenters from various universities and industries.

Dean of FT UMM, Prof. Ir. Ilyas Masudin, MLogSCM., Ph.D., in his remarks, emphasized the importance of the role of engineers in sustainable development. "This seminar is expected to be a forum for engineers to exchange ideas and concepts in answering various challenges in the field of engineering," he said.

The first keynote speaker, Ir. Irwan Susilo, ST., MT., IPM, presented material on "Survey, Investigation of Risks and Uncertainties in Sustainable Infrastructure Development." In his material, he emphasized the importance of conducting surveys and investigations to minimize risks and uncertainties in infrastructure development.

The second keynote speaker, Dr. Ir. Moh. Abduh, ST., MT., IPU., ACPE., ASEAN Eng., discussed "Innovation of Energy Loss at Pipeline Bends in the Framework of Optimization and Efficiency of Water Management." He presented various innovations to overcome energy loss at pipeline bends, so as to improve optimization and efficiency of water management.

After the keynote speaker session, the seminar continued with parallel sessions divided into 7 breakout rooms on Zoom. The presenters presented their research results in the field of engineering and received input from experts in their fields.

The 6th Engineering Seminar of PSPPI UMM is expected to provide a significant contribution to the development of science and technology in the field of engineering, as well as produce innovative solutions to various problems in the field.
