UMM Vice Chancellor III Released 4 Mechatronic Teams at KMHE and KKCTBN 2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023 00:18 WIB   FAKULTAS TEKNIK

Pelepasan tim Mekatronic untuk berlaga di KMHE dan KKCTBN

Malang (21/10), Faculty of Engineering (FT) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has sent its best team to take part in the competition organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas). This team will represent the Semi-Autonomous Mechatronics Institute (LSO) at FT UMM and will participate in two different competition categories, namely the Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) and the National Unmanned Fast Ship Contest (KKCTBN). This championship takes place at the University of Indonesia (UI) from 22 October to 03 November 2023.

The UMM team will compete with various leading universities from all over the country, including UI, ITS, UGM, Undip, UB, and others. Mechatronics will compete in two categories in each contest, namely proto ethanol and urban gasoline for KMHE, as well as electric remote control and fuel engine remote control for KKCTBN.

At the time of departure, UMM Vice Chancellor III, Dr. Nur Subeki, ST. MT., expressed his high appreciation to all parties involved, including students, accompanying lecturers, and sponsors. He explained that the departure of this team was concrete evidence of the success of the UMM FT curriculum, which not only provides theory to students but also allows them to apply their knowledge in the form of findings and tools that can be used, especially in the context of national to international competitions.

Furthermore, the Vice Chancellor also emphasized that UMM is always ready to support students in various academic and non-academic aspects, providing the forum and facilities needed to participate in various competitions. He advised the team to give their best and try seriously, especially to bring home the championship title.

On the other hand, one of the students from the National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest Team, Abi Mufid Octavio, emphasized that he and his team had prepared wholeheartedly. They have carried out intensive training, even three times a day, at the campus lake and UMM recreation park. They also conduct various experiments to achieve maximum efficiency and performance from their ship engines. Abi is confident that his team is ready to compete in this competition and is optimistic that they can win.
